Thursday, 14 May 2020

How to Develop Personal Hygiene Habits in Children

Personal hygiene helps one in keeping diseases at bay and our bodies healthy. It also has a huge impact on mental well-being as it fosters self-esteem and confidence. 

Personal hygiene should be a way of life, a habit so engrossed in our routine that it must become a part of our behaviour. Only parents can inspire their children to follow and maintain personal hygiene.

Parents need to school their young ones and help them understand the importance of having good personal hygiene.

Below are a few activities that need to become a part of every child’s routine:

1.     Brushing their teeth twice every day.

2.     Bathing daily with soap.

3.     Cutting nails frequently.

4.     Washing hands with soap before eating/drinking anything, after coming home, after touching any outside material, after using the toilet, etc.

5.     To change clothes as soon as they come home after playing outside or from school.

6.     To not eat anything which has fallen/dropped on the floor.

7.     To never pick your nose.

8.     To keep outside footwear separate than the footwear being used inside the house.

9.     To use a handkerchief while sneezing or coughing.

10.To always use clean undergarments and socks.

11.To always wear fresh clothes.

There are so many diseases that spread with the exchange of germs and take a heavy toll. If your child can start developing healthy habits, then not only personal hygiene will be developed but also many diseases will be avoided.

At Childventures Early Learning Academy, we partner with families in the development of children to their fullest potential. 

Our children are offered the highest quality childcare services and instill in young minds the importance of moral values, character formation, and respect for others.

To learn about our many educational programs, visit

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