Monday, 2 December 2019

The Do’s and Don’ts of Snacking for Children

You need to teach a healthy snacking habit that can ensure your children are getting all the nutrition needed to grow healthier and to strengthen up their immunity levels. Snacking must be used to get good nutrition rather than letting your child become addicted to mindless munching.

Following is a list of the do's and don’ts that every parent must get to know about snacking for their children.

Establish a routine:
You need to establish a snack and meal routine. Let your child have only one snack session between meals so that they do not get filled up too quickly. This way, you are able to create a three meal and snack routine that can help in getting all the nutritional benefits needed to overcome any kind of nutritional deficiency present.

Bring in whole foods:
You need to think of snacking as a mini-meal session. Bring in whole foods that are super rich in protein, healthy fats and hold onto tons of fiber content that is needed to help your child’s stomach. Avoid providing packed foods and be creative in decorating the plate to get your child to be eager and wait for the snacking sessions every day.

Compromising with the snacks and treats:
You cannot make your kid eat healthy foods all the time. Once in a while, treat them with ice cream or other food items they tend to crave. Treats like candy and ice cream shall never harm the immune levels of your kids unless they become addicted to consuming them regularly in the first place.

Finding it difficult to get your kids to eat the right way? Visit our website and learn about our early learning programs and curriculum model we have on-board to teach the right behavioral habits for your kids.

For more information and to enroll your child, visit

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