Most individuals who struggle with maths throughout their education, usually find it difficult to grasp math concepts when they are younger. Math concepts are better understood if they are introduced at a young age. You can teach these principles to your child through various entertaining games.
Here are some exciting hands-on math activities for senior kindergarten students that will help children comprehend and remember mathematical concepts:
Math race with dice
In this kindergarten math game, kids race to see who can be the first to get their toy to 10 or 20. They roll a die and layout tiles to move their toy. They can only move if they roll the exact number they need to get to the end number. This game is great for practicing counting and moving on to as many numbers as you want.
Clap and count
This is one of the simplest math activities. All you have to do is say the number and ask the kid to clap that many times while reciting the numbers out loud. This activity is great for memorization and helps kids remember the sequence of numbers.
How many steps
This is a fun way to incorporate exercise while learning math. It is a very simple activity wherein you ask the kid to count how many steps it takes to go from one place to another. For example how many steps from the couch to the table or from the fridge to the chair. You can start with small distances and gradually increase the distance as they learn more numbers.
Connect the dots
A very simple and fun activity for kids to remember the sequence of numbers. Write numbers 1-10 or 1-20 in different shapes in the correct sequence. Ask the kid to draw a line joining the dots of the numbers sequence-wise to make a shape. This activity not only helps them count and remember the sequence but also helps them learn and recognize different shapes.
Guess the number
This activity can be played by taking turns. One person decides a number and everyone else has to guess what it is. The person deciding the number states a hint which denotes the range the number is in. For example, it is between 2 and 20.
To know about more such fun games and activities for
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