Monday, 8 July 2019

Important Virtues that Your Child Should Learn

Children are naturally curious and are quick learners. Children usually speak the truth, and the family around them embeds the values. It is essential for little ones to have important virtues which include:
  • Age 6-10
By age 6, the child starts to differentiate between right and wrong. When you talk about honesty and patience, explain to them why they are essential. The child will automatically begin to distinguish between dishonesty, cheating and why he/she thinks they are wrong.  

Generally, children learn by observing their parents and ensure you are the right role model for them to teach. You can start with small habits like following traffic rules, dining table habits, correcting sleeping patterns and more.
  • Teach empathy
Empathy is a great virtue which should be taught at an early age so they can understand their and other's feelings. When empathy works, they are more likely to make the right choice.
  • Use scenarios and circumstances
Please don't wait for the right opportunity, and create scenarios for little ones to teach them lessons. For example, ask them what he would do if he found his friend stealing from someone's school bag? What would he do if he saw someone bullying another child?

Children might be creative in their answers, but listen to them first and provide constructive feedback on what is right and what is wrong.
  • 11 – 14 years
As the children grow,  they all should develop a sense of integrity, which means to apply virtues they have learned in their real life. In the early teenage years, children are faced with peer pressure and other social dilemmas, which comes with their social group. You will have to teach them to make their own decisions with integrity and by understanding the consequences of their choices.

At Childventures Early Learning Academy, we partner with families in the development of children to their fullest potential and instill in young minds the importance of moral values, character formation and respect for others.

Our early learning programs and curriculum model help your child develop into a successful learner and a human being.

For more information visit or call us at 905-332-7539.