Tuesday, 28 August 2018

How to Teach Kids Empathy?

Before starting with anything, it is important to understand the correct meaning of the word ‘empathy’. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and feel what the other person is feeling. Research says that empathy is important to build healthy and content relations with family and friends. There are numerous reasons why parents should contemplate teaching empathy to their kids.

Children, at a very young age, are too sensitive to feel everything around them. Anything going on around them may leave a long-lasting impression on them.  Sometimes, it is difficult for a child to put in words about how actually he/she feels. It is important to teach and tell them about positive and negative emotions as they would not know how to actually label their emotions.

As the cliché says, charity begins at home. Start telling them about emotions from the things which happen at home. Focus on telling them how to cope up with negative emotions and not to hold grudges. Make sure your child’s emotional needs are fulfilled.

Children always look upon their family for emotional support. It is necessary to make them understand that you are always there for them. They should know how to resolves issues, tensions, and fights themselves. See how they react and behave in a difficult situation. Let them observe and discuss with them how they handle a particular state. Listen to them and guide them, how to take things positively.

However, to imbibe empathy in somebody won’t come easily. It is good to ensure the child gets to see and observe empathetic values around him/her. 

At Childventures Early Learning Academy, we understand the importance of the emotional and social development of a child at an early age and partner with families in the development of children to their fullest potential.

Take a look at our blended curricular model for your child's overall development.