Thursday 6 October 2022

9 Steps to More Effective Parenting

Most parents worry about doing right by their children, making parenting one of the most challenging jobs. However, there are some basic steps you can take as parents to make your parenting more effective and raise happy, successful children. 

toddler programs Ancaster

Here are some steps to make your parenting more effective:

  1. Show up - Genuinely showing interest in your child's interests and activities is one of the best methods to get them to comply with your wishes.
  1.  Set reasonable expectations - To get youngsters to comply with what you ask, parents must set reasonable expectations. You will need to adapt, though, when tasks grow more challenging and demand the use of critical thinking abilities, like finishing homework or preparing for a test.
  1. Set limits - Boundaries assist parents, and other adults decide what can and won't work if given instructions are not followed.
  1.  Offer options - Giving kids a choice or alternative in completing activities is among the best methods to get them to do what you ask. Additionally, it offers them the freedom to make decisions in a situation over which they would typically exert control, providing children with a sense of empowerment in their daily lives.
  1. Avoid manipulation - Although it might be helpful to pique children's interest in learning, manipulation is one of the most undesirable ways to achieve this. This conveys that your child or children are somehow less than you, which will only breed resentment and immoral conduct.
  1.  Don't overuse punishment - Additionally, penalties teach further about blame than they do about obligation, which is why some kids never experience consequences for their behaviour because their parents fail to apply regular punishments.
  1. Reward good behaviour - It's crucial to give kids praise for following instructions instead of waiting until the work is finished to point out their accomplishments. Instead of wanting to sit out the rest of an event when good behaviour can no longer earn rewards, this gives them instant pleasure and motivates them to keep going.
  1. Set a good example - Modelling good behaviour for children is one of the most effective methods to get them to do what you ask. By giving children inspiring role models, students would learn how to set and achieve goals and navigate challenging circumstances.
  1. Spending quality time with your children is one of the best methods to make them feel valued and cared for by their parents. Spending time together with children allows them to gain knowledge from their experiences while also demonstrating to them how much they are cherished.

To learn more, visit or call us at 905.332.7539.

Thursday 8 September 2022

7 Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Fear

We can't protect our kids from every possible source of anxiety. However, a parent's response to a child's anxiety might affect whether they become excessively worried or whether they learn how to deal with their fears. Here are 7 tips to help your child overcome fear:

1.    Don't try to hide your dread of the things you are scared of. Children are more scared because they have a radar for when adults are lying. Better to admit to a child that you have an absurd fear and are attempting to overcome it.

2.    Do confront your personal worries. An overly anxious parent will raise an anxious youngster. Your child is likely to share your fears of pets, heights, ghosts, and other things if you do.

3.    If you are confident that your child won't be hurt, don't rush to reassure them. Your overreaction will result in two unanticipated but regrettable outcomes. If you become anxious, the kid will think they have a reason to be anxious. They will learn that acting scared is a certain method to attract your attention if you respond with attention.

4.    Remain close to the child. A child's anxiety will grow if you punish them for being scared by leaving them or asking them to confront their fears without any preparation.

5.    Don't steer clear of the people, places, and things that worry your youngster. By "protecting" your children in this manner, you are telling them that he should be worried and that you don't think he can manage the circumstances.

6.    Do not overlook this critical component of your child's education. If we want our kids to feel capable of taking care of themselves, they must learn how to deal with strange, unpredictable, or frightening situations. Giving our kids the skills they need to analyze dangers, approach a new environment with assurance, and deal with terrifying things they can't alter is our responsibility.


7.    Do not laugh, ridicule, or dismiss your children‘s concerns. Talk to them about it and reason with them and take baby steps with them that help them overcome their fear. 

To know more visit or call us at 905.332.7539.

Original Source: 7 Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Fear

Wednesday 7 September 2022

8 Ways to Get Your Kids Motivated about School

On the first day of school for children, there is enthusiasm in the air, and everything appears to be going smoothly. But when your kids get home from school, though, they start whining about a variety of things they dislike. Thus you need to keep them motivated rather than giving up.

child care burlington ontario

With these eight tips, you'll be able to properly motivate your children to go to school.

1.      Having a Schedule with Specific Objectives

A schedule can be calming and encouraging, depending on your child's age and level of independence. You'll be able to assist your children in completing their tasks on time if your school routine is clear.

2.      Creating a Positive Ambience

Your motivation to complete a task and, more importantly, to participate is greatly influenced by the words you use and your attitude toward a situation. Before you say anything, take a deep breath and utilize a positive word.

3.      Self-Reflection and Its Nurturing

If you encourage your children to focus on themselves, they will realize that going to school is critical to their bright future. This aids students in setting goals and comprehending why they attend school.

4.      Help Them Decide and Then Leave Them to It

Allow children to make decisions. Allow them to decide if the activity is not health or safety-related, with your assistance. Allow them to face the consequences of their actions.

5.      Supporting Your Child

Your child must deal with the uncertainty and novelty of each new day, which can be big anxieties for children. As a result, parental support is critical during this era of learning.

6.      Allowing your child to make mistakes 

Children learn through making mistakes the majority of the time. Letting your children get back on track and do better the following time around is all that is required of parents. Children are always learning, which may be rather demanding, therefore lowering expectations is a smart idea.

7.      Participate

Participating in the activity is another approach to enhancing relatedness. The fact that the entire family is involved demonstrates how important it is to them. Participate in their educational activities, such as reading. Every night, set aside time for family reading and you'll be able to bond at the same time.

8.      Choose an optimum challenge

An ideal challenge is slightly more difficult than what a child has already learned, but that can still be accomplished with practice and effort. That feeling of competence will generate good energy and serve as a powerful internal motivator, putting them on the road to success.

It's not always wrong to use positive reinforcement. Sometimes all we want to do is give our children something to commemorate their achievements. Instead of fascinating rewards, you can offer praise, good feedback, or development suggestions. All of these aspects can assist your child in remaining motivated for future projects.

To know more visit or call us at 905.332.7539.

Tuesday 6 September 2022

4 Ways Chores Help Develop Language Skills in Your Toddlers

Schools are not the only place for learning skills. The initial learning and development start right at the home. This is why child psychologists promote involving toddlers in household chores. It is a great way to encourage them to learn new skills. Indeed, household chores are great for teaching your child new words and improving their language skills.

It is proven in studies and research that kids who participate in household chores are more motivated to learn new things than those who don’t get involved. In today’s post, we will be sharing how kids can be engaged in household chores, which will keep them away from screens and will also help improve their language skills.

1.      Laundry: If your child has just started reading language, it is a great activity to encourage them to read and learn new words. Allow them to separate laundry based on the instructions mentioned on the care tags. Let them read what’s written on the detergent boxes and understand the machine cycles. It will encourage them to speak words that are not familiar with and eventually they will be able to improve their language skills.

2.      Food Preparation: Another way to meet your language learning goals is to pretend play as a chef during food preparation. Young ones get to know about the ingredients and learn the names of things that are important for our livelihood. They can also be encouraged to read the recipe books or basic instructions given on food packaging.

3.      Learning at the dinner table: Kids can participate in setting the table. They get to learn about useful items in the household. Another great way to encourage their vocabulary during mealtime is to ask them about their day or let them tell a story of their choice to the rest of the family members during dinner time. Talking every day about new topics helps your kids to learn more words and be confident about their language skills.

4.      Shopping list: Kids can spell the grocery or simply draw the items to help their parents to remember the list. Kids can also match the items in the shopping cart with the list they prepared at home. A combination of letters and pictures is a great way to start the reading and writing journey.

Bottom line

Early learning is fun if you know the right way to do it. Parents who want to provide adequate support to their young one’s growing needs can contact Childventures. It is an early learning academy serving across Canada.

Thursday 14 July 2022

8 Activities to Teach Numbers to 100 to Senior Kindergarten

Here are the arithmetic tips and tactics you'll need to learn numbers to 100 (or 120). You'll have everything you need to quickly and easily execute a variety of number sense exercises, games, and centers in your classroom or at home.

Senior Kindergarten

1. Include numbers in daily tasks that you and your child complete together. For instance, ask your youngster to assist you in setting the table by placing one fork or two spoons on each plate. You might also have your child count peas or apples to make the connection between numbers and amounts.

2. Counting on a number line might help you see how progress numbers. Place a number line on the classroom wall and count along with it with a pointer.

3. Playing bingo, a popular game, is a fun way to practice numbers. Ensure that students exchange cards after each round so that they can practice a variety of numbers throughout the game.

4. Write numbers in a drawing book and have your child draw a picture to represent the quantity. Write 3 and ask her to draw three flowers, for example. You may instruct the child to draw four ice cream cones for number four. You may also do the opposite by drawing many amounts of an object and having your youngster count them and tell you the total.

5. Provide children with a blank number chart and instruct them to fill in the missing numbers. If they require it, you can put up a huge classroom chart for them to refer to.

6. Writing numbers is the most effective way for the brain to remember the shape and details of each number. Don't overlook this crucial activity that will assist children in recognizing them.

7. Even a simple activity like writing a number on the board and having the class try to call it out works well. Allow children to take turns writing a number as their classmates attempt to yell it out for an intriguing twist.

8. Take a walk while counting. As you walk through the school, look for objects to count in nature, on the playground, or inside the building.

Numbers must be learned and experienced in a variety of ways for children. Counting, recognizing numbers, and comprehending quantity are just a few of the crucial ideas they must acquire. Understanding and fluency with numbers are developed via repeated experiences. These encounters aid in the expansion of knowledge and the acquisition of new concepts. Understanding more complicated arithmetic concepts requires a good number sense.

To know more tricks that can help your child learn numbers visit or call us at 905.332.7539.

Tuesday 3 May 2022

10 Tips For Parents On Kids And Food

infant child care Oakville

Parents who are just starting their journey might need help understanding how to plan their kid’s diet so they eat healthily and grow up without any nutrition deficiency. You can follow the below tips to encourage your kids to eat properly and preserve a healthy weight as per their age.

Tips on making your kids’ eating habits healthy

1.  Decide on the foods you purchase

Kids tend to pester their parents to give them less nutritious foods. But if you buy mostly stacked nutritious food, they would surely eat them as they can’t go hungry. However, you still have to buy their favourite snack from time to time, so they feel disadvantaged.

2.  Ask for your kid’s choice

Even though you are making ordinary meals, ask for your kid’s choice, so they feel the independence in making choices. This way, they would eat one healthy option from the menu.

3.  Give them food preferences early age

Kids form their food preferences from their age. So, it’s right for you to give them various food choices of your age.

4.  Don’t force them to finish the plate

It’s never right for you to force them to finish their plate, or they might not know how to listen to their body’s system when they feel full. This way, they might form a habit of overeating which is bad for their health.

5.  Let them experiment with their food choice

When you go out, let them experiment with their food choice. This way, they might like new food choices rather than just consuming fast foods.

6.  Don’t make bribing a habit to let your kid eat

Occasionally, giving your kids dessert treats is okay, but you should not make it a bribing habit to make them eat their meals.

7.  Try not to give them too many flavoured drinks

Flavoured beverages are very high in calories and have fewer nutrients. You can give them flavoured milk that complies with food safety regulations or fruit juice you prepare at home.

8.  Make them give attention to food

Limit their TV or any other entertaining form, so they would mindlessly eat food. As they eat food fully attentively, they would not develop unnecessary fat.

9.  Model eating healthy for them

Kids learn from you as they see you. So you can pose as their role model to eat healthily.

10.  Don’t make a habit of giving food as a reward

When your kids achieve something, show them affection and not make it a habit to give them food as a reward. 

When it comes to kids’ diet, most of them turn picky and fussy with their food habits. Hence, if you are concerned about your kid’s diet, it’s wise to talk with your paediatrician. Do you need to know more about how to encourage your kid to eat healthy without ruining their habits? Consider contacting Childventures to get the right guidance as new parents.

Sunday 10 April 2022

5 Reasons That Early Childhood Education Is Very Important For Your Child

daycare in burlington ontario

Choosing whether to send your child to daycare or preschool might be difficult whether you're a new parent or have more than one child. Maybe you're resentful at having to return to work. Perhaps you're concerned that your child won't get the attention they require at a childcare center.

While you're making this decision, it could be good to know a few 'truths' regarding popular daycare and preschool falsehoods that circulate 'out there.'

Daycare is prohibitively expensive, and family members can watch my child for free or at a reduced rate:

We appreciate that the cost of child care or early learning activities can seem prohibitive to some families. You will need to examine your personal scenario. Being in a kid-centered learning setting can provide tremendous benefits to a youngster.

It has the potential to give children a good start in life. It can help children prepare for school in Canada, give them independence, and educate them on how to create relationships, among other things.

Children require more time at home in their early years of life; academics can be learned later:

While this is a matter of personal opinion, we would like to remind out that most modern daycares and preschools are not focused on strict academics. The idea of caring for the "whole" kid is supported by the most recent theories in early childhood education.

Unstructured play and learning through emergent curricular methods are praised by educators. They are also concerned about the child's cognitive, emotional, social, and physical well-being in Canada.

An in-home nanny can provide more focused attention to my children than a daycare with a large number of youngsters:

This could be true or false. It all depends on your circumstances, as well as the qualifications of the child care provider. However, you should be aware that even being a nanny in British Columbia is controlled by the government - they may be considered your employee, and you'll need to set up a correct tax and benefits system.

Child care is what daycare and preschool are, and underpaid employees can't perform a good job:

To begin, you should be aware that the government of British Columbia requires specific educational criteria for everyone working in a licensed daycare or preschool. Even assistants and responsible adults must be trained to some extent.

Childventures has always been helping new parents raise their children in different ways for years. Find out more from the Childventure experts at:

Tuesday 29 March 2022

5 Interesting Math Activities for Senior Kindergarten Students

Burlington senior kindergarten activities

Most individuals who struggle with maths throughout their education, usually find it difficult to grasp math concepts when they are younger. Math concepts are better understood if they are introduced at a young age. You can teach these principles to your child through various entertaining games.

Here are some exciting hands-on math activities for senior kindergarten students that will help children comprehend and remember mathematical concepts:

1.    Math race with dice

In this kindergarten math game, kids race to see who can be the first to get their toy to 10 or 20. They roll a die and layout tiles to move their toy. They can only move if they roll the exact number they need to get to the end number.  This game is great for practicing counting and moving on to as many numbers as you want.

2.    Clap and count

This is one of the simplest math activities. All you have to do is say the number and ask the kid to clap that many times while reciting the numbers out loud. This activity is great for memorization and helps kids remember the sequence of numbers.

3.    How many steps

This is a fun way to incorporate exercise while learning math. It is a very simple activity wherein you ask the kid to count how many steps it takes to go from one place to another. For example how many steps from the couch to the table or from the fridge to the chair. You can start with small distances and gradually increase the distance as they learn more numbers.

4.    Connect the dots

A very simple and fun activity for kids to remember the sequence of numbers. Write numbers 1-10 or 1-20 in different shapes in the correct sequence. Ask the kid to draw a line joining the dots of the numbers sequence-wise to make a shape. This activity not only helps them count and remember the sequence but also helps them learn and recognize different shapes.

5.    Guess the number

This activity can be played by taking turns. One person decides a number and everyone else has to guess what it is. The person deciding the number states a hint which denotes the range the number is in. For example, it is between 2 and 20.

To know about more such fun games and activities for children visit or call us on 905.332.7539.

Thursday 3 March 2022

Benefits of Early Child Development

child development burlington

If you’re thinking of giving your child an extra boost as an advent to school, it pays to send them to a child care centre that focuses on child development and early childhood education.

Here are a few reasons why early and professional child development is highly beneficial for children, in the present and their future.

They develop effective habits.

Children benefit from daily routines because they feel organised and in control. A daily routine helps instil good behaviours in children. Early childhood development and education will eventually assist children in taking responsibility for daily routines such as getting dressed and packing their luggage. Educators are experienced in instilling the skills your kid needs, and they develop and employ a variety of approaches to assist them in doing so in a secure and regulated setting. This not only helps your child prepare for kindergarten, but it also makes family life easier, allowing you to spend less time together.

They learn to read and count easily.

The cornerstone for a child's education is reading and counting skills, but it's more than simply reading, writing, and counting. Listening and telling stories, talking, playing, drawing and colouring helps children develop versatile abilities. They practise numeracy skills by singing and playing music, or by pouring sand into various-sized containers.

They value education.

Preschool provides children with a completely fresh perspective on the importance of education. The value of education is demonstrated by children gaining information and applying it to their life.

They learn how to work collaboratively.

Many preschool activities emphasise teamwork and help children develop a positive attitude about working together. Respect for others' perspectives, listening skills, and philosophy of equality are all factors in a person's ability to operate in a team. All of these attributes are instilled in children at an early age in preschool.

Professional care.

Preschool activities that are evidence-based and are professionally designed help children grow their brains. They can improve their skills by participating in a variety of activities that involve analysing and logical reasoning.

Now that you know the benefits early child development can bring, know all about preschool and other programs that you can enrol your children in, for optimal development from experts at Childventures, visit or call us on 905.332.7539.

Thursday 17 February 2022

10 Components of High-Quality Care for Infants and Toddlers

infant programs Vaughan Ontario

NYS Infant and Toddler Resource Network have highlighted the following components for the high-quality care of infants and toddlers:

  • Health and safety:  Child care centers must be licensed and family dares care centers to need to be registered so that strict regulations regarding sanitation, cleanliness, hygiene, administration of medicines, etc. can be ensured.
  • Training of the staff: Instead of focusing on elementary and high school training, baby and toddler caregivers need to be trained to include such activities that enhance the cognitive abilities of the kids.
  • Small groups: The smaller are the groups; the better will be the focus of the caregiver on individual toddlers. 1 adult for 3 babies or 4 toddlers is recommended by Education of Young Children and Zero to Three.
  • Age-relevant environment: Learning through exploring is the best way to teach kids under the age of 3. So the environment they are in needs to be safe and full of toys for better learning.
  • Active and responsive caregiving: Understanding the high and low points of each child is the responsibility of the caregiver and this will enhance the toddler’s responsiveness.
  • Primary caregiver: Assigning a primary caregiver will make the child feel safe and emotionally stable.
  • Curriculum and learning: The daily activities need to be planned after understanding the individual requirements of the toddlers and babies.
  • Language and literacy: The more the caregiver will interact with the baby, the easier will it be for the baby to understand the language.
  • Family involvement: Giving a platform to the families to participate in special events in the classroom by interacting in their home language enhances the bond.
  • Comprehensive support: Child care for infants and toddlers is a support system that helps them grow in a healthy and friendly environment.

The team at Childventures works in tandem with the rules notified by the State for the holistic development of your munchkins.